Where technology meets human creativity

The AI Art Award

About the competition

We introduce to you The AI Art Award, where we celebrate the breathtaking fusion of artificial intelligence and artistic expression. This competition was born out of a deep appreciation for the transformative power of AI in the realm of creativity.

Art has always been a reflection of human imagination, emotions, and cultural experiences. With advancements in technology, we now find ourselves at an extraordinary intersection where AI can expand the boundaries of artistic exploration.

We invite student artists, designers, technologists, and visionaries from around Switzerland to participate in this exciting event. This is your platform to showcase your talents and explore the uncharted territories of AI-generated art.


Judging process

Our esteemed panel of judges, consisting of renowned artists and AI experts, will evaluate the submissions based on creativity, originality, technical execution, and the innovative use of AI.

Prizes and recognition

A selection of the most outstanding submissions will be showcased in an online gallery to the wider public. Prizes will be awarded to the top three artworks in each category:First place
3'000 CHF
Second place
2'000 CHF
Third place
1'000 CHF

Inspiration and resources

Follow our online course here for an introduction into generating art with AI. For prompt ideas, check out the Midjourney community showcase.


1. Visit our website and navigate to the registration page.2. Fill out the registration form with your details, including your name, email address, and any additional required information.3. Agree to the competition's terms and conditions.

Stay up to date

Sign up for our email notifications today to ensure you don't miss a single moment of this exciting AI art journey. Be part of the dynamic AI art community and immerse yourself in the future of artistic expression.

© 2023. All rights reserved | The AI Art Award